Our Chaplaincy Team, guided by Mrs. Dowle, is integral to the prayer life of our school community. Every year group (YR to Y6) have two Chaplaincy Team representatives. Their many responsibilities include:
- Planning and supporting their peers with planning half-termly parent prayer services
- Leading prayer in class and whole-school contexts
- Discussing and planning ideas for extra-curricular events (e.g. Advent and Easter Craft Clubs)
- Planting and maintaining the Prayer Garden
- Monitoring prayer areas in and around school
- Observing and evaluating prayer services and assemblies
- Gathering evidence of staff and pupil voice
- Discussing and implementing new and creative ideas for Catholic Life and Prayer and Liturgy
“Planning prayer services is great because we’re in charge of it and we get to plan it out.”
“Helping our school to become more holy through prayer bags.”
“I enjoyed talking about God with everyone during the Advent Craft Clubs.”
“We enjoy seeing other children doing their crafting.”
“We liked planting the flowers in the Prayer Garden and being creative through planning prayer services.”
“I like being on the Chaplaincy Team, because now I pray more than once a day.”
“When you’re doing Prayer Services, you have lots of lines to read and you can be nervous, but it is like unlocking your potential. It can be fun to say lots of things that improve our relationship with God.”
“The prayer services strengthen children’s relationships with God and can help them to remain strong. It’s essential in a Catholic school to have a healthy relationship with God.”
Catholic Social Teaching (CST)