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Catholic Life

Spiritual, Moral, Vocational, Social, Cultural Education (SMVSC)

At St. Elizabeth’s, SMVSC permeates all that we do. It is a focal point for Collective Worship and integral to the pastoral life of the school (see Pastoral Care/Community Links). Teaching and learning incorporates SMVSC across the school curriculum, keeping Christ at the centre of school life.

Diocesan Values and Virtues

All Catholic schools across the Archdiocese are encouraged to embed the Catholic Schools’ Pupil Profile. In addition to SMVSC, these specific Values and Virtues help to keep the message of Christ in the Gospels at the centre of school life.

At St. Elizabeth’s, we celebrate children who have made special efforts to exemplify these Values and Virtues. Every Friday, during Celebration Assembly, a child from each class is presented with a gold tag to add to our ‘Virtues Tree’ in the hall. Each tag comments on the way(s) in which children live out these Gospel Values.

Staff and children are encouraged to reflect on the Values and Virtues as part of their class collective worship, and these vary as each new half term begins.

Values and Virtues for 2020-21

Autumn 1: Curious & Active
Autumn 2: Intentional & Prophetic
Spring 1: Grateful & Generous
Spring 2: Attentive & Discerning
Summer 1: Compassionate & Loving
Summer 2: Faith-filled & Hopeful



Here are some resources to further support children in developing these Values and Virtues:

Chaplaincy and Mini Vinnies

Our Chaplaincy Team, led by Mrs. Bolton, and our Mini Vinnies Team, led by Mrs. Windridge, have led many projects and supported the prayer life of our school. In particular, the teams have been involved in charitable fundraising, creating and looking after prayer areas in school, and sharing ideas as to how we can further develop our Catholic Life.

Sacramental Preparation

Children in Year 3 and Year 6 are prepared to received the Sacraments of Confession, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. They are supported by Mrs. Dowle and by their class teachers through R.E. lessons and specific preparation sessions, focusing on the significance of these Sacraments within their faith journeys.

​Useful Links