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Senior Leadership Team:
  • Mr Doyle - Headteacher, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs Miles - Assistant Headteacher, SENCO, Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs Dowle - Religious Education, Parish and Community Links Leader
  • Mrs Clarke - Assessment Leader, PiXl Raising Standards Leader

Year 6 - Miss Stowell
Year 5 - Mrs Thind
Year 4 - Mr Aston
Year 3 - Mrs Peden
Year 2 - Mrs Clarke
Year 1 - Miss Murphy
Reception - Miss Wright
Nursery - Miss Tandi


​​Teaching Assistants

                                 Mrs Bachu                                   Mrs Bolton
   Ms Chouhan
                                Mrs Farren                                   Mrs Gill
Mrs Holcroft
Mrs Mcfadden
Miss Parnell 
                                 Mrs Sundaram                                  Mrs Kohutova

admin staff

Ms Brock - Office Manager
Mrs Warner - Admin Assistant


Dining Room Assistants

Mrs Bi
Mrs Shaheen
Mrs Lal
Miss Mcclay
Mrs Banton
Mrs Zulfiqar


Site Service Officer

Mr Begley